Monday, 24 April 2017

Is a Pulse Oximeter for Me?

Before purchasing a pulse oximeter you need to make sure you research the devices to make sure you really are getting what you think you are getting. There are many to choose from and you will be glad you have one, especially when you really need it.


A pulse oximeter is a device that is used to measure the concentration of oxygen that is in your blood. It is used in the evaluation of various medical conditions that affect the function of the heart and lungs, so all in all, it is a very important device to have. The device can be placed on the finger on your earlobe or on one of your fingers. The oximeters are most commonly used today are called pulse oximeters because they respond only to pulsations, such as those in pulsating capillaries of the area tested. Oximeters are now a virtual fixture in intensive care units, pulmonary units and elsewhere in hospitals and health care facilities but there are many people that now want to have these very handy medical devices inside their home.


A pulse oximeter works by passing a beam of red and infrared light through a pulsating capillary bed. The ratio of red to infrared blood light that is transmitted is going to give you a measure of the oxygen saturation of your blood. The oximeter is going to work on the principle that the oxygenated blood is a brighter color of red than the deoxygenated blood, which in turn is more blue-purple. The oximeter is going to measure the sum of the intensity of both shades of red, which represents the fractions of the blood with and without oxygen in them. The oximeter is also going to detect the pulse and then subtracts the intensity of color that is detected when the pulse is absent. The remaining intensity of color is going to represent only the oxygenated red blood that you have. All of this valuable pulse information is going to be displayed on the electronic screen as a percentage of oxygen saturation in your blood.

Quick Synopsis

A pulse oximeter can easily be purchased by anyone. You do not have to be a doctor or work in a hospital setting in order to get your hands on one of these types of devices that is really going to save your life. The oximeter is going to be able to:
  •      Measures your oxygen level 
  •       Measure your heart rate
The devices are:
  •      Portable
  •      Lightweight
  •     Convenient
The oximeter medical tools can be used for:
  •      Sports use
  •    Recreational use
  •      Medical use at home
The dependable oxygen level and pulse rate measurements are going to be what you are going to need for all of your daily needs. It will measure your oxygen level and pulse rate. Many of the devices are going to:
  •     Have a soft silicone padding
  •   Have a strong, slip-resistant clip 
  •     Are noninvasive
  •     No pricking is required
  •     Have very easy to read results
Source: Click Here

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Legality of Using GPS Trackers

If you are looking for a GPS tracker, you are going to have many different types to choose from. Before you pick one out, always make sure to research them to make sure you are getting what you think you are getting.

With inexpensive GPS technology, we now have the tools to track our lovers, employees and children. How far can we go without violating the privacy of our target may end us up in hot water is not careful.

  •     Tracking a car own yourself is usually legal but not always
  •      Phone tracking for public employees is legal 

Privacy Expectations

Law enforcement agencies need a warrant to implant a GPS tracker on someone’s car. 

State by State Laws

States have been confronting GPS tracker cases as they come forward. Because laws are going to vary by state, there is no way for anyone to make a blanket pronouncement about the legality of tracking devices. It is most likely going to be fine to have the GPS devices under most circumstances if you own the vehicle you want to track. Would-be amateur detectives would be advised to tread lightly and consult a lawyer first if there are any doubts about specific state laws.

Mobile Tracking

The privacy question also encroaches on grounds of whether or not that mobile devices like phones can be used to track a person without their consent of tracking them. Just as employees should not expect anything they do on their work-issued computers or on the company network to be private, the same idea should be taken when employees are on their company mobile device. Smart phones with location services that are enabled can be a rich source of information about what that employee is doing and the employee may not even be aware that he or she is generating that information.

Data Collected

There is no reason to think that a court would not exclude an GPS tracker location information if it is gathered in violation of a law prohibiting it. Experts say some 100,000 GPS trackers are sold each year, with numbers increasing every single day. With the widespread popularity of smart phones that already track our whereabouts on an ongoing basis, the notion of privacy and what our expectations should be is entering uncharted territory. Technology is very revealing. And the ease with vast amounts of data about a person’s coming sand goings, not to mention the fact that monitoring is cheap, is unprecedented.


There are many different GPS trackers that are out there on the market today. Before you purchase one of these very popular technology devices, it is important to research exactly what the device is going to do for you. Besides finding out what the device is going to do for you, of course, you want to make sure to look into the prices of the actual device and how much, if any, it is going to require you to use the devices on a monthly basis.

Source: Click Here

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Safety While Staying in Hotels

If you are interested in learning more about a wireless IP camera, you need to check out the variety of cameras that you will be able to find from Amcrest. The cameras are definitely the way to go if you want to keep your property safe.

wireless IP camera
Safe Hotels
Modern locks: It is important to look for hotelswith modern electronic guest room locks, as these locks automatically change the lock combination with every new guest. If you lose or misplace your key, ask to have your room re-keyed.

Dead bolts and peepholes: It is important to look for hotels with a dead bolt lock and a peephole.

Fire sprinklers and smoke detectors: The sprinklers and some detectors should be in the hotel rooms, hallways and meeting rooms. 

Telephone: Each room should have a telephone in it that allowsfor outside dialing.

Locks: There should be secure locks on all windows and adjoining doors.

Lighting: The interior hallways, parking structures and grounds should be well lit.

Parking garages: The parking garage should only go to the lobby of the hotel.

Security personnel: The hotel should have personnel trained in guest security and available for escorts to rooms.

Checking In Your Hotel Room
  • Always stay with your luggage until it is brought into the hotel lobby.
  • Keeps an eye on your luggagewhen checking in.
  • Ask the front desk personnel not to announce your room number.
  • Be aware of people listening to your check-in conversation.
  • Do not leave your credit card lying on the counter while you complete your registration.
  • Instruct the desk not to give out your name and room number.
Room Selection
Do not accept a hotel on the ground floor that has doors and windows that open to the outside. Hotels with interior hallways are safer. For security in motels, avoid ground floor rooms off the parking lot. Guest rooms that are close to the elevators are the safest but they are going to be noisier.

Elevators Safety
  • Women should be accompanied to their hotel room
  • Observe all passengers in elevators
  • If someone suspicious boards an elevator, exit as soon as possible
When Entering Your Hotel Room
After checking into a room, check the following:
  • Make sure the lock is functioning properly
  • The closets and bathrooms should be checked to make sure no one is hiding in them
  • All windows and outside door locks should be checked
  • The adjoining door lock should be checked
  • Make sure the telephone is working correctly
  • Look for fire safety information and become familiar with it
  • Make sure the door closes securely behind you
  • Make sure the dead bolt works and use it
  • Never leave your key in the lock inside your room
  • If you lose your key, ask for a new room or have the lock or electronic key card changed
If you are looking for a wireless IP camera, definitely check out the variety of cameras found from Amcrest. The above tips are great to go by when staying at a hotel. As always, a security camera is also something to look for in the hotel.

Source: Click Here